Monday, June 12, 2006

Is Jerusalem Too Commercial? (from Israel)

We spent a day in Jerusalem last weekend.
It's an interesting city with an oversupply of history.

We had a pretty active debate over whether the area was 'too commercial'.

On the one hand - yes. I had expected a site with an overwhelming religious or holy feel.
I didn't get that.
The Western Wall had that feeling, but not much else.
Tour groups are everywhere. Cameras intrude on everything.
Shops and shopkeepers are packed into every spare inch.

On the other hand - no. It's not too commercial.
Why do I say that?
Because I suspect that Jerusalem felt much like this 2000 years ago.
The shops were there, the shopkeepers were there, and so was the hustle and bustle.
This is probably the appropriate way to honor old Jerusalem.

It would actually be a shame if we were to mark the whole area as 'holy'.
I'd always rather see a living culture than a sterile museum.