Monday, September 15, 2008

Will your job be offshored?

It depends on how much value you add.

I'll propose this simple litmus test:

Can your job be drawn on a flow chart?

If the answer is 'yes', then I can tell you now that your job is going to be:

  1. outsourced, or
  2. automated, or
  3. outsourced and then automated

Don't believe me? Look at every job you've seen outsourced or offshored.
I'll bet you can draw the tasks of that job in a flowchart.
Now look at the jobs that are 'safe' - most of them can't be flow charted.... yet.

Can you flowchart phone support? Yep, most of it anyway.
Can you flowchart in-store support? Pretty hard to do.

My solution? Flowchart your job and - as the Red Hot Chili Peppers say - "give it away, give it away, give it away now".
Seriously. Then start doing stuff that isn't on the chart and can't be charted.
Then, as soon as you get it structured, give that away, too.

It's time to sail off the chart. We've got to be explorers now.