Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Cinco de Mayo Recipe for Good Times

Want a recipe for a great evening?
  1. Get some warm weather
  2. Find some cool people
  3. Go to a nice place
  4. Pick an interesting topic to discuss
  5. Hope for some serendipity

Last night met all the above criteria.
  1. After a couple of weeks of (by California standards) crappy weather, the sky cleared and the temperature warmed up last night.
  2. Brent and I met up with Randy Emelo and Brian LaComb, of Triple Creek Associates for dinner.
  3. We went to Santana Row - the best place in San Jose for atmosphere on a nice night.
  4. We had an outstanding conversation around mentoring and some of the best practices that Triple Creek is implementing. I left with a brain full of ideas, and more questions than I came with (always a good thing).
  5. It turned out to be Cinco de Mayo. I should have known that, but didn't. Still, it was a happy surprise.  We had drinks outside, listening to music and enjoying an energy that you don't usually see on a Tuesday night.

I highly recommend that you visit Triple Creeks website and visit the resources section.
Randy writes a great newsletter and is very generous with podcasts, as well.

They are good people doing some great work, so check them out!