Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Book Review - Gut Feelings

Midway through my graduate program in Adult Education, I'm finding that I don't have a lot of time for extra reading.
So, I'm pleased that I've found some time this week in La Paz. Today was a windy day with rough waters, so I was able to finish "Gut Feelings".

Title: Gut Feelings
Author: Gerd Gigerenzer

Genre: Psychology, Business, Cognitive Science
Summary: As per the subtitle, Gut Feelings explores "The Intelligence of the Unconscious"

Favorite Quote: Here are my three favorite quotes from the book.

  1. "Complex behavior does not imply complex mental strategies."
  2. "...people adapt to their environments much as gelatin does; if you wish to know what form it will have when it solidifies, also study teh shape of the mold."
  3. "...natural language is more sophisticated than logic."

Strengths: Entertaining and educational. It's an enjoyable book that's easy to read, with clear examples. I also appreciate the working definition of instict as "a judgement that appears quickly in conciousness, whose underlying reasons we are not fully aware of, and it is strong enough to act upon."
Weaknesses: The second half of the book dragged. It didn't really add anything new to the first half, in my mind.

Conclusion: Worth a read if you find it in a used book store.
Post-it Flags: 9 flags
* Each time I find an interesting quote, model, image, or idea in a book, I mark it with a Post-it flag. The more flags, the more value I found in the book.