Thursday, February 26, 2009

VizThink 09 Highlights II - Jessica Hagy

Jessica Hagy debunks 15 Professional 'Rules'

If you haven't seen Jessica Hagy's brilliant Indexed site or book, you should go look at it now. Don't even bother with my site until you've spent an hour in hers... really.. hers is a treasure. I grant you permission to go there (if only Jennifer had just said that.. "Go Brad. Hell, it's Angelina. Clearly, I've been bested").

Jessica gave a very funny, informal presentation where she summarized 15 professional rules, and then debunked all of them. In between, she had us use her favorite tools - Venn diagrams and the X-Y axis - to make some sense of our worlds.

This was my favorite exercise.
  1. Draw a 2-circle Venn Diagram.
  2. Label the first circle with something you're really good at.
  3. Label the second circle "Prostitution"
  4. Find the relationship between the two (if you're a lawyer, the overlap will obviously be much greater than the one in my diagram).

Here's mine.
Teaching is what I do, but it was hard to find a common area, at first.
Then I found it - Students named John.

Try the exercise.
And if you get a chance to see Jessica present, I recommend you do it.


bschlenker said...

Hi Glenn!
Great post. I love jessica's site and have followed it for a while. Still need to get the book.
I love your overlap for teaching...brilliant ;-)

Skoo Ⅱ said...

vEry informative.
I am drawn by your teaching style.
Really weird and great:)

Unknown said...


"Really weird and great"

That might be my favorite compliment ever!
I'll have to quote you on that...

Brent - she's also got a new book of postcards that's cool. Worth checking out.
