Wednesday, January 14, 2009

5 Steps to Presenting Like a Rock Star! Part III

The third step to presenting like a Rock Star is to write a compelling introduction for your speech.

There are three reasons to have a strong introduction:
  1. To get attention: if a song doesn't have a strong introduction, people will go to the next song - same with a speech. Attention getting song introductions include "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne, "Wipe Out" by the Safaris, and "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith.
  2. To build rapport: getting an audience involved is a beautiful thing. Great examples include "We Will Rock You" by Queen - clapping along, "Anyway You Want It" by Journey - singing along, and any song that gets you dancing or tapping your foot. 
  3. To prepare the audience: the more unique a song is, the more it may need a 'buffer' to transition the audience or set a mood. "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is a great example. The beginning of "Born to Run" gives us the main theme and conveys the urgency that the lyrics will soon explain.

Go to and watch some great presentations. For each one, ask yourself what the presenter is trying to accomplish with his/her introduction - attention, rapport, or preparation? Or is it a combination of the above?

Dick Hardt's "Identity 2.0" presentation is a spectacular example of doing all three.
  1. He gets our attention with humor and images, 
  2. He builds rapport through humor and examples that everyone can relate to, and 
  3. He prepares the audience by making an introduction that develops the 'riffs' that he will repeat throughout his presentation.

As a result, Dick Hardt presents like a Rock Star.
Watch it. Learn it.