Monday, January 26, 2009

What is ADKAR?

Maybe it's the economy. Maybe it's just a cycle. I don't know.

What I do know is that Change Management is a really hot topic at work these days.
I've found myself involved (sucked into?) a number of change initiatives and  - reassuringly - most of the managers are actually concerned about how the employees view the change.

That's very cool...

Whenever I get involved in a change initiative, my favorite framework is the ADKAR model.
ADKAR comes from Prosci.
It's a simple model that stands for
  • Awareness - Is everyone aware of the change and it's benefits?
  • Desire - Does everyone want to be part of the change?
  • Knowledge - Does everyone have the knowledge necessary to be successful?
  • Ability - Does everyone have the ability to be successful?
  • Reinforcement - Will there be follow-up training? Will people stick with the change? Is this a fad? Can our culture support it?

I use this model every day. I use it for change management, obviously.
But everything is change, so I also use it to design training. I use it for presentation planning .
And I use it for one-on-one coaching.

So, do yourself a favor. If you have an initiative that failing, or a child or wife that won't do what you want them to do.... ask the 5 questions above. 
I bet you find the answer.