Thursday, January 8, 2009

Enabling Creativity through a Brain Dump

This is one of my favorite pre-brainstorming activities.

It's inspired by Doug Hall's 'Mind Dump' exercise, from "Jump Start Your Brain".

I use it a little differently than Doug does.
Doug uses it as a kick start to brainstorming.

I use it as a way to release all the negative energy around a challenge that's been tackled before.

Here's how I use it:
  1. Hand each participant a copy of the 'Brain Dump' sheet shown above.
  2. Name a challenge (for example, sell our product to Customer A) and write it in the center square.
  3. Set a timer for 8 minutes (that's 2 minutes for each side - you can allow 12, 16, or 20 minutes if you prefer).
  4. Have the group write all their 'stored' thoughts about the challenge or issue. These can include emotions they feel, images that come to mind, senses that are triggered, or memories.
  5. Watch the participants. You'll usually see and hear chuckling, head-shaking, smirking, groaning and more.
  6. We stop at the buzzer.
  7. In an optional step, you can discuss what's been captured (I usually don't, unless it's an extreme case where discussion is a prerequisite to letting go).
  8. Pause dramatically and then...
  9. Ask everyone to wad the paper into balls and throw them into the trash can.
  10. Start your brainstorming exercise.
This allows everyone to empty their brain of negative energy and thoughts so they can start fresh.
Sounds corny, but it has always worked for me.