Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Learning to Trust my Instincts in Sedona

This is Bell Rock in Sedona.
What did I learn here? To trust my instincts.
Actually, I learned this lesson the day before, and got the chance to practice it here.

In Singapore, I learned that I could feel a sudden drop in barometric pressure. I also learned that when I felt it, I should run for cover, because a big rain was coming.

This past Saturday, hiking through a manzanita grove, I felt that change in barometric pressure for the first time in a few years. When we came out of the grove and saw thunder clouds in the distance, we decided to turn around.
Twenty minutes later, just as we started the car, raindrops pelted the windshield. Suddenly, a thunder and lightning storm accompanied the downpour.

Cool, I thought. My senses still work!

Here at Bell Rock on Sunday - right here... in this very spot - I felt the drop in pressure again. We turned around and, twenty minutes later, the rain started.

It's one of my favorite feelings... the one I get when I state a thesis, propose a model, or just trust my instinct... and then see the results validate that theory.

It creates a completely unreasonable belief that there might be some order in this universe!