Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sedona, Michael Phelps, and Authenticity

We're back from a long weekend in Sedona, where I learned (or remembered) a few things.
  1. It's great to hike with friends. I need to do more of that. Our friends Steve and Anna hiked up Cathedral with us, where we enjoyed the breeze and the views.
  2. Radio Dogma is a rockin band...
  3. There's nothing like watching sports in a group. Phelps' win in the 100M Butterfly is one of the 10 greatest sports moments I've ever witnessed. Seeing it in a bar with 50 or so other people amplified the experience. I'll have to think about the other 9 moments and get back to you.
  4. Bookman's is an awesome used book store chain.
  5. They call it Prickly Pear for a reason!

I've been reading "Authenticity" by James H. Gilmore and B. Joseph Pine II over the weekend. It's an excellent book that explores what consumers expect from companies and products, in terms of authenticity.

I enjoy the 'progression of economic value' model and the relationship between economic offerings and authenticity.
  1. Commodities - which require Natural authenticity: 'is it natural?'
  2. Goods - which require Original authenticity: 'is it first of it's kind?'
  3. Services - which require Exceptional authenticity: 'is it exceptional?'
  4. Experiences - Referential authenticity: 'does it draw on shared memories or some other context?'
  5. Transformations - Influential authenticity: 'does it call me to a higher goal?'

I'll work on making this blog meet those standards!