Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If You Need to Text Message, I'll Just Walk. Okay?

I flew from San Jose to Philadelphia today to visit my parents for the next 10 days.
My sister and dad picked me up at the airport. Shortly thereafter, I had a bit of a fight with my sister over her text messaging while driving on a highway.

My recent reading of "Brain Rules" (go here - slide 7 to see) has persuaded me that cell phone usage is worse than drunk driving, so I asked her to stop.
That didn't go too well...

I suppose I should have facilitated a discussion instead of lecturing her, but getting home alive was my priority at that moment. 

Anyway, it's good to be here and great to see my parents.
As I'm relaxing in the back yard - piggybacking on an internet signal from the neighbors - I'm reminded of my dad's best line about my work ethic, "Hard work doesn't bother Glenn at all. He can lay down right next to it and sleep all day."

That's about as close as I hope to get to hard work over the next 10 days!