Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to Get New Ideas 01: Random Combinations

Looking for new ideas?
One of the easiest ways to find new ideas is to mix components of two or more old ideas.

This method has produced peanut butter cups (chocolate + peanut butter), the Swiss army knife (a pocket knife + a kitchen drawer) and Sarah Palin (funny accent from Fargo + most laughable candidate since Dan Quayle + Tina Fey career booster).
allows you to create 27,000 plot ideas by randomly flipping cards. The movie generator website gives you a sample of some of the combinations. I highly recommend it, but I'm warning you - don't have any milk in your mouth when you try it!

The result may be frivolous, but the technique is not. This is a methodology that is used by many creative organizations to generate ideas.
Don't wait for accidental combinations. Make them happen.
As Louis Pasteur said, "Fortune favors the prepared mind".