Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat Leadership

This... is... classic. A Halloween leadership bonus.

If you didn't see or hear Mike Singletary's post-game conference last week: it's must-see TV.
Mike is the new coach of the San Francisco 49ers. In his first game as coach, he sent one of his own players to the showers.

Some of my favorite quotes from the press conference.
  • "It will change"
  • "We hit people in the mouth, number one."
  • "Number two: We cannot give them the game"
  • "Number three: We execute"
  • "I will not tolerate players that think it's about them when it's about the team"
  • "Cannot play with them. Cannot win with them. Cannot coach with them... Can't do it."

As a leader, is this 'trick'? Or 'treat'?
He's positive. He's got clear values.
He's got a mission and vision.

And he scares everyone in the room...

So, what do you think? Trick or Treat?
Personally, I'd love to play for this guy...